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Noah Reiss

Tennis Professional

Noah grew up playing tennis right here in Colorado. He has been a coach for local players since 2013, working with all levels, but specializing in youth coaching. Noah attended Cherry Creek High School, where he won two state championships and completed his high school career with an undefeated record over 3 years of varsity play. His true competitive passion for tennis developed at the state and regional level. He reached ranks as high as top 3 in Colorado and top 15 in the Intermountain Region.

Years of high-level playing and studying the game have equipped Noah with a keen understanding of the variety of techniques that work for different playing styles at the top of the game. Along with this, his background in psychology allows him to teach players about mental fortitude and problem solving tactics that work both on and off the court.

When not on the court, Noah enjoys the outdoors, exercise, reading, and constantly learning as he pursues post-graduate studies in psychology.

Lesson Rates

Noah offers the following lessons to our members. Prices are per person per hour. You can contact Noah directly to schedule or book through the front desk or our membership portal.

Lesson Type Rate
Private $65
Semi-Private $35 per person
3 & Pro $24 per person
4 & Pro $20 per person
